
Established 1994

Pittsburgh Garden Railway Society

PO Box 302
Charleroi, PA 15022

February 2009 Newsletter

Greenberg Show Corner Calendar
Newsletter Views East Coast Large Scale Train Show
Annual Dinner 2008 I've Been "Cook'n" on the Railroad
Industry News Tech Tips
Hendzel Sale / January Meeting Video of the Month
Odds & Ends  

Financial Report (password required)

Membership Roster (password required)

Newsletter Views
by Larry Marcinko

For some time now (at least the past five years since I've been in the club), the PGRS newsletter has been published six times per year, every other month starting in January. As secretary for the past four years, now starting my fifth, I have been responsible for the lion's share of articles, opinions, reports~most of what members have read during this time. I have done my best, with the help of trusty and loyal wife, Jannie, (1) to record and convey the experiences of the club, (2) try to inspire interest and participation, (3) help form a philosophy/direction of what the club is about and where it should go.

Although I've enjoyed many hours and cultivated some wonderful friendships and experiences that I would not trade for anything, the weight of meeting the deadlines and having something worthwhile to consistently publish every sixty days or so has worn on my psyche lately.  I violate Rule #1 of the club by pressuring myself to sit and write something to fulfill this "obligation".  To remedy the situation, after valued input from some respected members, we've decided that the newsletter will now be published on an as-needed basis as opposed to a scheduled one. When there is good material to be conveyed, a newsletter will be issued; when not, we'll look for news to materialize. We're shooting to maintain four to six published newsletters per year, but that will depend on things like member input, events calendar or developments in the hobby.  Members may receive brief updates on issues in between when there isn't enough for a full edition and in ALL cases will be mailed hardcopy if they have no Internet connection.

Writing skills are NOT necessary to have something appear in the newsletter.  Anyone with ideas, observations, pictures, tips, etc. is free to call or e-mail me for assistance in "fleshing out" what a member wants to share.

We'll number each edition with a common sense system of PGRS2009-1 thru PGRS2009-?F for the final edition of the year.

With this new policy in place and our online abilities to publish first-rate digital pictures as well as videos, we look forward to this newsletter being better than ever on it's quest to being fun, informative, interesting and the best that it can be...that goes double for the club!!!